Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 2 Ulverston to Barrow

Not quite as long a day today - only 14.5 miles but in the heat it was difficult to walk fast. Also, I walked for about 8 miles along the shingle beach and that really took its toll on the bottoms of my feet.
It was very beautiful walking on the beach, just me and the sea and the birds. I passed the Conishead priory now a Buddhist temple and a lovely, ancient little church dedicated to St. Cuthbert.
 This changed as I started my approach to Barrow: still on the coastal path with the sea and the tide fully in but on the other side- the offshore gas fields the onshore gas fields (I don't know what you call them), the power station, the slag heaps and the sewage works - not lovely.
I made good time though and reached the railway station about 3 pm.
Tomorrow I shall be staying over in Broughton in Furness, if I reach it!

If you haven't read this blog before, go back and read some of the posts from 2009, when we were living in Rwanda - it makes for fascinating reading, even for me. I seem to be a long way from that life now and not in a good way. I thought I would never go back to living a materialistic, wasteful western life after experiencing the way most Rwandans have to live - how quickly we forget!

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