Saturday, October 10, 2009

wonderful weekend in cyanika!

had problems writing this blog because there has been a distinct lack of any sort of electricity in cyanika this week! the school generator broke down so we had no way of charging the computer. no one has ever stayed with us in cyanika before but the young vso girls have always been planning to walk up the mountain and spend the night with us so they could experience life without electricity. so finally, last saturday 5 muzungus plus one kenyan boyfriend arrived with sleeping bags. as soon as they arrived, john damascene, our resident guitarist arrived to give them a recital - they were most impressed! then we went out for a walk - say no more! we had an entourage of thousands, even an elf!! (see photo) i had prepared a beef curry (john went down to gikongoro for the beef) and a chick pea curry which seemed to be very much appreciated. then reality set in ie darkness fell. its great when you are sitting around chatting but not so good when you are preparing yourself for bed! anyway, i think they all said they couldnt live like this for more than 2 weeks. It was so lovely to have the company though, especially from such a lovely vibrant group of girls (and fred)-(who read)!!!

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