Saturday, October 24, 2009

football parts 1 and 2

Seb and Kate are with us now and life has suddenly become much more interesting in Cyanika; one of the first things seb wanted to do was play football with students from my school. They went down to the sports' field to see if Seb could get a game and we followed a little later to find them absolutely mobbed by primary school children ( they had chosen to go down to the field just as school finished!) Some of my students soon arrived and took Seb off to play. Practically the whole village was soon spectating with us and as it was also market day which takes place on a corner of the field, there was added spice to the proceedings.
Many people couldnt believe that Seb was real, someone asked if his hair was artificial, but as play proceeded everyone cheered each time Seb got the ball. Kate had problems watching the match because everyone was surrounding her and questioning her and wanting to marry her, or failing that she should bring them her first girl child when it was old enough to marry! A very exciting time was had by all and we walked back with a cast of thousands and a promise to play again soon.
Seb said it was the first time he had prayed with a team before a kick off!
Playing a second game proved to be more difficult because Rwandans will say that something is going to happen whether it is or not, but finally, with the help of Callixte our wonderful headmaster, another match was played; Seb has now become a local hero.

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