Saturday, October 31, 2009

leaving school

The last week at school was a very emotional one for me, I had to say goodbye to my beloved pupils, some of whom I had become very attached to. Seb and Kate being there made the week extra special; as they are the same age as most of the students, they were absolutely adored and made to feel very special (which they are) One evening, the students arranged a special demonstration of wonderful intore dancing and drumming just for us. We were all dragged up to dance with them - the rest of the school went wild! Seb was taken on stage to show his talents and all I will say is that he di'dnt disappoint them! Many speeches were made and I was made to feel that my presence in the school over the year had been greatly appreciated. I had to make a return speech and John gave a speech entirely in Kinyarwanda; the school loved it. what a night!!
Eventually,in the last few days it was time to take leave of my special students; the 5 or 6 I have taken under my wing and who have been coming to the house a couple of times a week to play guitar, sing or just chat. We intend to carry on helping these students in the future (more of this project later) We were so sad to say goodbye to them and they to us. Impromtu concerts were given, the house had never been so full of music and light!
Finally it was the turn of John Damascene who has been coming to visit for longer and more often than anyone. He is an orphan who spent the first 7 years of his life in a refugee camp in the Congo. Now he lives in an orphanage on lake Kivu and is sponsored to go to school in Cyanika. he plays the guitar so well, writes his own songs and knows congolese music. we decided to give him the guitar and when we said goodbye he hugged and hugged me and didnt want to let go. I felt all the love that he has never been able to give to anyone else and I wished i had done more for him: but we will carry on helping him.

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