Monday, April 4, 2011

young rwandans we are helping, thanks to your donations

Since ABANA became official in December 2010, and in fact even before that because we held a couple of fund raising events (a car boot sale and a sponsored walk across Morecambe bay)and due to generous donations from wonderful friends, we have been able to begin helping young people on a regular basis. here is some information about all the people we are helping so far: NTAKIRUTIMANA JEAN VIANNEY - a wonderfully gifted boy who speaks very good English, writes plays and is very musical - whilst at school, he conducted the school choir. He has now left school with excellent results but without our help he has no possibility to go to university; his father is in prison and his mother abandoned him and his young sister some years ago. At the moment he is trying to run a little shop but has no money to stock it! NSENGYUMVA VALENS - one of my star students, bursting with life and enthusiasm for all the things he wants to achieve, but without our help has no prospects; he comes from a very poor family in Kigali, he is now in his final year at school, working as hard as he can so he will have good results. NZEYIMANA JEAN BOSCO - another star student; he has now left school and received the highest results of any student in Rwanda in the National Exams; We are so proud of him. however, as his school fees were not up to date, he was not allowed to get his certificate unless they were paid. We were able to help him; he comes from a background of desperate, desperate poverty. in his final year at school, whilst studying for his National exams, his father became seriously ill with TB and Jean Bosco had to take time out of school and then their house fell down! The family are desperately trying to build another one out of traditional mud bricks (which they make themselves) so they can keep their things dry! KAYISIRE VINCENT - a young street boy who makes his living by selling hand made cards. Despite his circumstances, he is always smiling and cheerful.He was recently involved in a traffic accident and had to spend time in hospital so he lost his livelihood; The whole of the time we knew him, he never asked us for money, he just wanted our friendship.We would like to help him now. THEOGENE HANYURWIMFURA - a lovely boy who always sat at the front of the class and who always asked lots of questions so he would understand everything and he was desperate for me to find him a pen friend (which i never managed to do) After doing well in his National Exams, theogene is now at home with his parents and 5 siblings helping them to grow food on the tiny bit of land that they have. He is deperate to go to university. if anyone would like to write to him, that would be wonderful MARIE AIME MUKAKABAYIZA - one of the few girls we are helping, in fact girls never ask for help, they defer always to the boys but things are changing for girls in Rwanda. She is 17 but still at primary school; She now hopes (with our help) to go on to secondary school. VALERIE MUKAKAKWAYA - used to work for us 2 mornings a week; She is the most wonderful person you could ever meet, very shy,but would do anything for you. She never went to secondary school but since earning money from us (the grand sum of £15 a month) she has had the courage to go to catering college in Kigali - a big step for such a self effacing person. With our help, she will complete college and get a good job so she can support all her relatives. There are obviously many more people we would like to help, we would also like to help the school improve the terrible state of most of its' buildings. (more about this later)

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