Childrens' voices (everywhere)
Chidren running (barefoot)
Children singing
Children clapping
Children clapping
Children asking for money, for bread (amafaranga! umugati!)
Children shouting
Children in rags
Children carrying water
Children carrying firewood
Children herding goats
Children carrying firewood
Children herding goats
Children digging the family plot
Children playing with wooden hoops (the lucky ones)
Children riding wooden bicycles (the lucky ones)
Children playing with wooden hoops (the lucky ones)
Children riding wooden bicycles (the lucky ones)
Children playing football with balls made of rags and elastic bands
Children carrying babies on their backs
Children carrying babies on their backs
Children hungry, alone, crying
Children walking, walking, walking
Children smiling -beautiful eyes, beautiful smiles, lifting your heart
Beautiful rwandan children!
Children smiling -beautiful eyes, beautiful smiles, lifting your heart
Beautiful rwandan children!
I wrote this in May 2009 surrounded by these children. They are still with me.
Here are a few facts to think about:
50% of the population is under 18
The average Rwandan family has 7.2 children
The average Rwandan family lives well below the poverty line. Dwellings are so small, children only go inside to sleep (on the mud floor)
There are so many children that the Rwandan Education Authority (MINEDUC) has introduced a shift system in primary schools so that no class will have more than 49 pupils at any one time.
Half the children go to school from 8-12 30 and the rest from 1 - 5. Teachers stay all day for no extra pay
Primary schooling is free but there are books, pens and uniforms to buy
Many children dont start school till they are 11
Some never go at all.
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