Sunday, October 9, 2011

James and Matthews' wonderful adventure (for ABANA)

Haven't updated the blog for some time but that doesn't mean we havent been active: we took part in a 'vide grenier' (car boot sale) in our french village in July to help raise funds for ABANA and we were also selling earrings made by by Valerie in Rwanda, Akabanga (pure rwandan chilli oil) sent to us by Jean Marie Vianney and beautiful cards that we had made using photographs I had taken of local rwandan children. Unfortunately, the french dont give to charity and dont eat spicy food, so we didnt make very much; this is one of the reasons we are now back in the UK
The following shops are very generously displaying and selling the Akabanga for us: Soundbites in Derby, 65 in Longridge and Baba Ganoush in Kendal. All proceeds go to ABANA and quite a generous trickle of money is coming in through that.
By the end of August, I had managed to complete the mammoth task of applying for a grant from Comic relief to finance the building of volleyball, basketball and handball courts for my school in Cyanika. I wont hear anything until January.
And now to the wonderful adventure which starts on 11th October when my nephew James and his friend Matthew begin an epic cycle from John o' Groats to Lands End and they plan to do it in 7 days - yes that's right A 1000 MILES IN 7 DAYS!!!  and all to raise funds for ABANA.
You can read all about it and also donate by going to
Even as I write, they are on the train to Scotland. They have never done anything like this before.
I will keep people updated as to their progress on this blog and also on facebook and twitter @SheilaBurns

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