Thursday, June 25, 2009

EVERYTHING GOES ON AHEAD(and sometimes on the back of a bike)

carrying, carrying, everything perfectly balanced on their heads:

huge bunches of bananas.

piles of grass (for the cows)

20 litres of water



50 kilogramme sacks of charcoal


baskets full of every fruit and vegetable under the (rwandan)sun

a single bed

a dining table and four chairs


women carry everything balanced on an "ingata"- a woven ,padded circle like a donut

men carry loads just so.

bikes are not for riding here(too steep) they are for pushing heavy loads up steep slopes- imagine trying to push 8 full crates of beer up a 50 degree slope!

and of course there are the babies nestling on ther mothers backs while she works or carries a load,so many babies, carried till they are about 4.

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