
We have to make sure that any receptacles we have are always kept filled with water because the water can go off at any time and has been off for as long as 4 days. those jerri cans and buckets are heavy!
Washing is also hard work, we all enjoy hand washing a few smalls but sheets and bath towels in a bucket of cold water? no thanks. but it has to be done. We certainly dont have trouble drying anything.
Life has certainly improved since we got the charcoal stove but you get filthy lighting it and then keeping it in is a full time job, Sometimes it isnt quite hot enough to boil the water we need for the flasks for the next day and then we have to light the kerosene stove and then you end up with stinging eyes and it stinks!
You cant leave any food uncovered or millions of ants descend on it.
Going to bed is an expedition in itself: you have to remember to take a light with you, the outside bathroom (and i use the term loosely) is dark and you dont know what might be lurking! you un hook the towel and a lizard jumps out. There are droppings on the sink and i dont know what they are from! Before you get into bed you unroll the mosquio net and tuck it in on all sides and climb in making sure that nothing climbs in with you! or is already there waiting.
A lovely lady, Valerie, comes to us 2 mornings a week she has an hour and a half walk to get to us. She works so hard and she usually washes the sheets and towels and she washes the floor by pouring water everywhere and then sweeping it away - it takes her ages. She also usually cooks for us, beans and veg or veg and beans or beans with beans or veg with veg. She cooks everything for hours but it all tastes very good. she really is a treasure and we pay her al of £15 a month!
However, she has nothing on GOLD FISH MAN! .....................................................................
he comes, he goes, he flits, he flows, he has NO MEMORY!!!!!
you can always rely on him to do it today but not tomorrow! sometimes he is coming when he should be going and going when he should be coming but he is NEVER THERE WHEN YOU NEED HIM! he doesnt remember from one day to the next what he should be doing.
sometimes he just appears out of nowhere and sometimes he was there and you thought you were talking to him but he isnt there any more YES he is also DISAPPEARING GOLD FISH MAN!!!!!!!!
he is actually our guard - we dont pay him, VSO do and they insist you have one. We hear other people talking about the wonderful things their guards do for them but we seem to have chosen the short straw. His piece de resistance up to now is to destroy 75,000 r. francs worth of computer equipment in seconds!
it isnt his fault, he is quite simply GOLD FISH MAN! what is his job! well he is supposed to guard us at night from intruders, light the hurricane lamps when he arrives and look after the garden - HA!
we love him really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!