We had a wonderful two weeks in Uganda (more later) where food is plentiful and i practically lived on crayfish, freshly caught from Lake Bunyoni, where we were staying. Coming back to Cyanika has been difficult; it's easy to forget what curiosities we are here and also when you are sitting with electricity it's easy to say being without electricity is not so bad- the reality is harder.
It was nice to be back on top of our mountain, awy from the madness that is Kigali. We were excited to see how much the garden we had planted had grown( more from John later). Our neighbour was delighted to see us and leapt over the fence to embrace us.
One of the reasons we left Rwanda over Easter was because they were commemorating 15 years since the Genocide, which we felt was very much a private affair. We heard from friends who stayed here that the atmsphere was very very subdued and on our return we still felt an atmosphere, almost as if we were intruding. We really felt we shouldn't be there. When the pupils returned to school it was almost as if they were returning from another world, or had been locked away in some dark prison.
To compound our difficulties this week, the water went off for two days and it has been so cold in the mornings.
It's Saturday now and although we had to forgo the bacon, sausage, egg, black pudding etc that I dreamed about and instead shared a fresh pineapple, things are looking ok. John has just come back fom a long search for beer as our local kiosk was untypically closed. He was informed that this was because there has been a communal digging for skeletons and bones from severed body parts which will be buried in consecrated ground at midnight tonight followed by a special mass for the victims tomorrow. The genocide will NOT go away!